Friday, February 27, 2009

Hotness Female

We do not discriminate sexually. There are just as many female Hotness Monsters are there are males.

That said, yes I am a woman, and yes, I do enjoy staring at naked men and their frosting. You want some hot women on this page? SEND THEM IN!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Original Hotness Monster

Since we here at HM are absolute fans of GREEK, we fell in love with Ashleigh when she coined the term Hotness Monster, while on "Spring Break."

Wishing that we were also back in college, carefree and partying it up in Myrtle Beach, (Really more like St. Barts) it was only natural that we'd start using the GREEK vernacular. While at the Hollywood Assistant Beer Pong tourney... one of the girls had her first sighting & thus the tube translated nicely into real life.

Aside from his radiating beauty, we only had limited facts. We knew where he worked (thank you company coordinated t-shirts) and we had the benefit of knowing everyone's names participating at the event. Thank you to facebook (how we existed before it's invention is still beyond me) and our Hotness Monster had a name, a job, a location... and sadly for us, a girlfriend.

Even though things didn't end up working out, a new animal was unleashed, and we are forever in the quest of finding the next great Hotness Monster.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Spotted: November 2002 issue of Cosmo

Stats: Doesn't *quite* fall under the Spotted Hotness Monster rules, however we here at HM, just love looking at his frosting.
Location: The "Sexy" wall of our fav men.
Date/Time: November 2002 issue of Cosmo in the "All American Men" Section

Spotted: 4th of July Beach Party in Huntington...

Stats: 6' 2" Asian with muscles like rockets and sexy tats.
Location: Beach House off Main Steet in Huntington.
Day/Time: 4th of July 08, sometime midday between round 9 and wasted.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

The Hotness Monster

The Hotness Monster - noun. A cute play off of the "Lochness monster". A hotness monster is a man or woman who is sizzling and near unattainable. (Origin: Ottawa, Canada)

How we define The Hotness Monster - a guy or girl who you spot across a crowded room, yet the stars do NOT align, names and numbers are not exchanged, and your hotness monster remains out there, a mystery to solve.

Who knows? Crazier things have happened...

Is it fate? Is it connectivity? We want to share our own Hotness Monster stories and photos with you, and if you have a Hotness Monster you would like to share, please email us with a photo, date, time and location, with a brief description of both your hotness monster and yourself.


Lingo poached from the hit ABC Family TV Show GREEK.